
Quick Updates

There have been some changes I want to tell you about. Here are some quick updates. Website Redesign First off, has been redesigned. I’m grateful to Jermaine Wall of Cabinet

250 Words a Day

I’ve always known I’m supposed to write. For close to 50 years, I’ve chickened out. I’ve written tons of articles, hundreds of sermons, and thousands of blog posts, but

The Call to Write

I’ve always felt called to write, not just blog articles but books. In particular, I’ve felt drawn in recent years to write about spiritual growth. Why do we know so much

Haddon Robinson (1931-2017)

I hadn’t planned to post today. I received word today that Haddon Robinson passed away this morning. Haddon served as the the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological