
“My challenge is this…”

I was struck by this thought in Why Johnny Can’t Preach. Gordon is responding to those who have dismissed preaching: I believe the preaching in many churches is so poorly done that

The Content of Christian Preaching

Kevin DeYoung has an excellent post based on T. David Gordon’s Why Johnny Can’t Preach. Some excerpts: After wrestling with the nature of preaching for 25 years, Gordon has concluded that

Moralistic Preaching is so 80s

A great article by Ed Stetzer and Jason Hayes on preaching to the younger unchurched: Directly connected to the younger unchurched’s aversion to simplistic preaching is their aversion to “tidy” preaching. The

Fogging God’s Glory

An article by Lee Eclov: A third way we fog God’s glory is by not showing how he stands behind texts that are not explicitly about him. When I see a play

Sermons on almost every topic

Found this story recently. It’s a sobering warning: Dietrich Bonhoeffer studied for a year in New York City. He visited a number of churches there, and this is what he concluded: “One