
How the Church Changes Social Conditions

Is the church called to address social problems? Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that the church isn’t, but Christians are. The greatest change comes through Christians who apply the gospel in every area of

Random Tweets from the Panel Discussion

In 140 characters or less, here’s some of what people twittered from the panel discussion last night. John Piper “If it bores you it is going to bore your people. If this

Things I like about being 41

I’ve been feeling really blessed these days. There are lots of things I like about my 40s so far. * Having kids who are transitioning to new stages of maturity. Old enough to

More on idolatry

Martin Luther on idolatry (from Luther’s Large Catechism): A god is that to which we look for all good and in which we find refuge in every time of need. To have