That kind of day
Most days, pastoring is a blast. I get paid to think and to serve and I get a front-row seat to watch what God is doing in other people’s lives. I work with some great people and I’m given a lot of freedom to ask questions. The people of Richview have been truly amazing. If I sometimes seem like I’m pushing the church, it’s because I’m convinced God is doing something new, and we can miss out if we don’t rethink some of our assumptions. It’s part of the growth journey that I’m on. Today was one of those days that pastoring wasn’t a blast. There are those days that you’re confronted with the worst of church life – of human nature, really. The only consolation is that I know that every person has days like these, and that I shouldn’t be exempt. But it’s still tough to be disappointed, even hurt, by a person. I’m in a funk and I’m tired. But all is not lost. Tonight, we got to serve turkey dinner to some kids who live in one of the toughest areas of town. There were so many people helping that I could barely get in to do a thing. The worst of days, and yet in some ways the best of days. And, after all, there’s always tomorrow.