Top Posts of 2020


Here, in order of traffic from highest to lowest, are a couple of lists of the top posts I’ve written over the past year.

Thank you for reading. I’m grateful.

Note: If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for my weekly newsletter, or subscribe to the feed for DashHouse (RSS) or my column at TGC Canada (RSS).

Top Posts at DashHouse

My Plea to Those Who Hold Strong Views on Masks and Lockdowns

It’s fine to hold strong views. My plea isn’t to abandon your views on the pandemic, the government response, or what you think the church should do.

My plea is to make room for those who disagree, even if — especially if — you’re right and they’re wrong.

In Praise of the Average Pastor

Few search committees look for one. Few young men aspire to become one. But it’s what most churches need. I’m grateful for the average pastor.

The Worst Sunday, The Best Sunday

All things considered, not meeting together is abnormal, and the sooner we can see our way back (with all the wisdom and prudence we can muster), the better. And if that means a glitchy Sunday or two, it’s worth it.

The Abiding Value of Pastoral Friends

If you’ve been in ministry for any length of time, you’ve probably felt the weight of criticism and relational hurt, and you’ve struggled to respond.

I have a lot of ideas about how to respond now that I’ve been at this for a while, but here’s probably one of my biggest pieces of counsel: get some pastor friends who’ve got your back.

Nobody Like Him

“I have no one like him,” Paul writes about Timothy (Philippians 2:20). Immediately I’m curious. What set Timothy apart? Left to guess, I’d probably imagine that he was unusually gifted or had personal charisma.

But that’s not what set Timothy apart.

Top Posts at TGC Canada

A Christian Response to a Pandemic

I don’t know exactly how to respond when a pandemic hits. But I know three things.

Do Hard Things

Don’t base your ministry or life decisions on what looks easy. Follow Jesus even when it gets hard.

I Worry for Pastors

Take time to mourn. Pay attention to what God may be teaching us. Lament. Rest. Take a nap. Read a book. We’re in it for the long haul. For God’s glory, and the good of your people, please take good care in these challenging days.

Sharp Tongues And Angry Tweets

Is there room for sarcasm and snark in the Christian life?

Dallimore Ran

Dallimore ran, but his best years were still to come. You’re not alone, and the story’s not over.
Top Posts of 2020
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada