
What I’m Learning from Strategic Coach

Strategic Coach is a company that has headquarters in Liberty Village, Toronto, and offices in Chicago and the United Kingdom. I first heard of this company through an entrepeneur, and then again when

Two Tech Tools

I’m always on the lookout for tools that make life easier or more productive. Here are two. I found one recently, and the other one I’ve been using for a while

Action Method Online

I’ve been looking for a good task manager lately. It’s been surprisingly hard. You wouldn’t think that it would be hard to find something that’s beautiful, works well in

Tip: Check Out Shoeboxed

Yesterday I blogged about prayer and the sovereignty of God. Today I come crashing down to earth. This is about as mundane as it gets, but I think it may be helpful. I

Make It Harder to Access Porn

I remember someone asking Haddon Robinson about issues that pastors need to address. He thought for a minute before replying that pornography is a big issue in our churches. Many men – and women