
Missiology Before Ecclesiology? Not so Fast!

It’s become fashionable to say that we need to put our missiology (the mandate, mission, and message of the church) before our ecclesiology (our theology and practice of the church), and that

The Ascension Matters

Many of us celebrate Advent and Lent. Almost every church celebrates Easter. I’m surprised that so few of us celebrate Ascension Day, taking place 40 days after Easter. I’m not so

Unbelief System

Every church I know has a belief system. It’s a statement of faith or theological system with affirmations and denials of what they believe. It’s usually found somewhere on the website

It’s a Shame

He’d been coming to church and listening to my sermons. He was trying to make sense of the gospel and its claims. One Sunday, I preached a sermon that got through. I

Systemic Evil

It’s become a joke in my house. Of all the courses I took in university, I got one of my highest marks in a course called Evil. I also got one of