
The Church I Get to Enjoy

One of my pastoral heroes taught me this: celebrate the church you’re privileged to pastor. Stand up on Sunday and communicate, genuinely, that it is the privilege of your life to be

Surviving as Pastors

When pundits talk about what it will take to lead the post-COVID church, I usually hear about ministry tweaks we’ll need to make. As much as I appreciate these tweaks, I believe

In Praise of the Average Pastor

Few search committees look for one. Few young men aspire to become one. But it’s what most churches need. I’m grateful for the average pastor. You know the one. He never

The Next Big Thing

A guest post by Ashley Hibbard 30 years ago, Church Leadership was going to fix our problems and get us moving in the right direction so all the people would come to Jesus.

Churches: Consider Running Your Own Conference

For the past four years, a small group of local churches in London, Ontario has run their own conference, inviting speakers like Andreas Köstenberger, Jared C. Wilson, and Andrew Naselli to speak. Just