
Best Books of 2019

It’s been a good year for books. So far I’ve completed 68 books this year and I have a few more in the hopper. Here, in order, are some of my

How to Grow Anniversary and Giveaway

This week marks the first anniversary of the release of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to ALL of Your Life. To celebrate I’m giving away three copies, as well as reflecting

Summer Reading List

A week from today, God willing, I will be lying on a beach with my Kindle. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to read books, including the ones

The Lost Art of Pastoring

I occasionally enjoy reading quirky books. For instance, I recently read (and loved) Maynard: Adventures of a Bacon Curer, the homespun memoir of a man who goes only by his first name, can’