Twenty Lessons in Church Planting

We celebrated our second anniversary as a church plant this past weekend. I’ve spent two decades as pastor of established churches, and only a few years (including pre-launch work) as a church planter. Here are twenty lessons I’ve learned about church planting so far.

- Church planting is much harder than you’d expect, even if you thought it would be hard. Expect disappointments and spiritual warfare.
- Church planting is much more rewarding than you’d expect. It’s not the point of church planting, but it’s a side benefit. You will probably experience more joy in church planting than in any other ministry you’ve experienced.
- Church planting is a team sport. Don’t ever try it alone. Don’t ever try it without your spouse’s full support.
- Having a set of core convictions is essential in planting a church. Everyone will tell you what to do. It’s important to listen and learn, but it’s also important to know what God has called you to do.
- Having a plan is important when planting a church, but don’t expect the plan to survive its first contact with reality.
- People you think will support you often won’t. People you think will support you often will.
- However long you think it will take you, double it. Just to be safe, triple it. Don’t get into church planting if you don’t know how to be patient.
- You will see a steady stream of people who wander from church to church. Don’t expect them to stay long. Don’t build your ministry around them.
- You will be tempted to settle for transfer growth. Keep your eyes on the harvest.
- Planting a church is different than pastoring a church. Know the difference, and make sure you’re actually planting.
- If you can’t fundraise, you probably can’t plant.
- Deal with your baggage. Don’t plant a church in protest. Plant a church for positive reasons, not negative ones.
- Never discount the importance of year zero. Set the foundation well rather than rushing to a premature launch.
- Attend conferences sparingly. They’re helpful, but always weigh the benefits.
- Get to know other planters. Pray for them, learn from them, rejoice when they succeed, and share their burdens when they struggle.
- Expect to be busy. Church planting will demand more of your time than other forms of ministry.
- Build structure. Unless you structure your time, you’ll be pulled in a million directions. Don’t say yes to every invitation you receive.
- Stop counting. Minister to the people who are there rather than obsessing over the people who aren’t.
- Don’t expect glory. Church planting is hard, tough work. But you’re privileged to be able to do it.
- Keep coming back to the gospel. Don’t get your identity from how well the church plant is doing. Get your identity from the gospel. Build a gospel culture, beginning with you.