Missing What’s Right in Front of Me

Missing What’s Right in Front of Me

We had a Grand Opening for our new location as a church plant this past Sunday. We invited hundreds of people from the community. Our people stood out in the rain inviting people to attend and put hours of work into the event. We had events planned for a hot day, including free ice cream and a dog wash.

The day came on Sunday, and it was cold and wet. Some people showed up, but far fewer than we’d expected. It was still a good day, but I admit that I was a bit disappointed. I was encouraged, however, by the number of people who showed up for our worship service later in the afternoon.

On Monday I saw the pictures from the event. I thought I had a good grasp of what had happened at our Grand Opening, but I was stunned as I looked at the pictures. It looked amazing. I wish I had been there — except I had been there. I just hadn’t noticed everything that had been going on around me.

photos compliments of Rodolfo Prata — more photos here

Pastors and church planters — actually, everyone — ride the waves of emotions based on our perception of what’s going on around us. I was reminded again this week that my perceptions are fallible. I’m only catching a fraction of what’s going on around me. That’s not even counting the things that are happening that nobody knows except for God. Who are we to be able to make an accurate assessment?

God is often at work, even when we don’t see it. I’m glad we get glimpses of this, even if we miss it at first.

Missing What’s Right in Front of Me
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada