Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

Parents, Let’s Be Honest and Stop Acting like We Know What We’re Doing

I’m a sinful parent trying to teach his sinful kids about a great Savior. My parenting most definitely will not save my kids.

3 Bad Reasons to Leave Your Church

Stop treating your local church like your high school girlfriend, and start treating it like the bride of Christ.

Community Isn’t A Bed of Roses

When you live in community with others it is dirty and intimate and confronting and sharp and challenging. It also provides amazing opportunities for growth and companionship.

Church Growth – From Evidence to Action

The findings of the Church Growth Research Program didn’t reveal a “single recipe” for growth but the researchers found that there are a number of common factors which appear to be associated with growing churches of any size, place or context.

10 Reasons to Consider Church Revitalization — Even Over Church Planting

There are so many churches who are ready to grow again with the right pastoral leadership. And, I encourage some of our young, eager, pastors — even some who may be considering church planting — to consider allowing God to use you in revitalizing an established church.

Seven Distinguishing Habits of Highly Effective Pastors

  1. They have genuine enthusiasm.
  2. They are great listeners.
  3. Their identity is not their vocation.
  4. They are intentional about personal witnessing.
  5. They have unconditional love of their critics.
  6. They have a gentle spirit.
  7. They persevere.

How to Design an Agenda for an Effective Meeting

Here are some tips for designing an effective agenda for your next meeting, with a sample agenda and template below.

Come and Die

Come and die (and live!).
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada