Saturday Links
Links for your weekend reading:
Why We Need to Practice Confession
Here are four arguments for the practice of regular, public confession.
A Pattern Among Fallen Pastors – Lessons for Us All
During my time in seminary I took a leadership course taught by the late-great Dr. Howard Hendricks. As we studied the life of David, Prof shared a study he conducted with a group of men in full-time ministry who had fallen into a morally disqualifying sin.
7 Things NOT to Say to a Depressed Christian
You’re not given a podium to preach to the depressed; you’re given arms to hold them.
What’s Their Problem? Sharing Our Pews with Sexual Abuse Victims and Survivors
The first step in creating a healthy atmosphere for victims/survivors and recovering offenders is to focus our empathy on the victims/survivors.
Till Death Do We Part – Keeping the Vow Till the End
As he grieved and planned for her funeral, he wanted to honor his wife one last time and fulfill his vow “until death do we part.”