Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

The 2017 Mindset List

For this generation of entering college students, born in 1995, Dean Martin, Mickey Mantle, and Jerry Garcia have always been dead.
  1. Eminem and LL Cool J could show up at parents’ weekend.
  2. They are the sharing generation, having shown tendencies to share everything, including possessions, no matter how personal…

God Uses Two “Gardens” To Grow Our Children

The most important task we have as a church is to teach the next generation the gospel.

26 Ways to “Provoke the 1 Peter 3:15 Question” at Work

Here is a list of 26 ways we’ve come up with that you can live provocatively at work….
  1. Get to work early so you can spend some time praying for your co-workers and the day ahead.
  2. Make it a daily priority to speak or write encouragement when someone does good work…

7 Reasons to Keep a Journal

As one who has kept a journal for many years, journaling has been an invaluable means of grace in my Christian walk and a practical discipline with many benefits.
Here are seven quick reasons I commend the practice.

10 Myths about Lust

If you embrace these 10 myths about lust, then you will find no remedy for your lust. Instead, you will dive into a “black hole” of sin. Embrace Truth; reject these 10 myths.

Three Things Every Lead Pastor Must Do

Every lead pastor, regardless of church size, should be devoted to three key priorities weekly.

3 Reasons Many Leaders Receive Too Much Credit/Blame

There are at least three reasons many leaders receive too much credit and shoulder too much blame.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada