Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

The Power of Asking the Right Question

Before dispensing a factual and theologically accurate answer, maybe we should first answer the person’s question with a question: “Why do you ask?”

5 Reasons Established Churches Should Plant Churches

I would exhort some established church pastors to get some skin in the game. Generously give to church planting, yes, but then go and plant a church. Choose not to become a cul-de-sac on the Great Commission Highway.

How the Local Movement is Revitalizing Church

Thousands of Christians are reclaiming the ancient idea of the “parish” and weaving together a shared life in the place they call home.

Ten Tips to Becoming a More Productive Pastor

How can a pastor keep the pace in this marathon of ministry without burning out? How can a pastor remain productive with such demands?

Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy

We have a problem—and the odd thing is we not only know about it, we’re celebrating it. Just today, someone boasted to me that she was so busy she’s averaged four hours of sleep a night for the last two weeks. She wasn’t complaining; she was proud of the fact. She is not alone.

The Coffee Shop Secret

Imagine taking your writing – whatever it is – into a local coffee shop. It’s not Christian owned. It’s a Friday night, and 15-20 people are gathered round. You need to say something valuable to them.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada