You Can’t Quit This

I told someone the other day that I’m discouraged as a church planter less than 10% of the time, which, it turns out, isn’t a bad ratio. But sometimes in that 10% or less I’m tempted to quit and try something easier. Who needs to work at something hard?
I try hard not to read 2 Timothy 2 or many similar passages when I’m this discouraged!

Usually, reality begins to hit me.
Church planting is not a job.
I can quit this, but there is no quitting living a life of sacrifice and service for Jesus.
Missional living is not a job.
Disciple making is not a job.
Honestly, I can quit and do something else, but there is no quitting what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. It’s the calling of every disciple. I do plan on quitting one day when I hear the “Well done, good and faithful servant,” but until that day there’s no quitting, even if I do one day stop being a church planter.