Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

Let’s Talk about Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

It has nothing to do with biblical Christianity. It’s not in the Bible. Jesus didn’t teach it. Paul wouldn’t recognize it.
And yet it calls itself Christianity and it’s taught every Sunday by pastors in church buildings all over the place.

What Is Evangelism?

I’m more confident than ever that I not only can but must share the good news with those around me.
So what’s changed? Why am I, a spectacular “failure” as an evangelist not discouraged?
Because I finally learned what evangelism truly is—and the good news about its results.

The Legacy of a Disciple-Maker

For the next year and a half, David poured into me. He taught me the importance of sharing life stories, hunting one other’s sin, and giving each other grace.

Four Ways Generosity Benefits Us

By God’s grace, it’s not only others who benefit when we give. Here are just four of the many benefits we receive when we choose generosity.

The Benefits of Sitting Under Expository Preaching

Consider a few benefits from sitting under regular expository preaching.

How To Build A Church Planting Team

A good planter and revitaliser will have to be a first rate communicator. They must be able to explain the their vision, excite and stimulate people and incentivise them to join his team. A good leader will need to communicate the following in the early days…
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada