Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

7 Words of Encouragement in Church Revitalization

The work of revitalization is similar to church planting. We are starting some things new. We are building momentum around a vision. We are constantly looking for new leaders. But, its also incredibly different. There are unique challenges in church revitalization. As I’m learning things, I’m trying to pass them along.

Five Reasons Why Millennials Do Not Want to Be Pastors or Staff in Established Churches

My plea to Millennials is not to abandon established churches. Not all of them are as bad as many think. Consider yourself to be a part of the solution.

Tim Keller’s New Lectures on Preaching

Tim Keller is currently writing a much anticipated book on preaching, planned for release sometime in 2015. Last week he offered a taste of what’s to come in four new lectures delivered at the 2014 John Reed Miller Lectures on Preaching at RTS Jackson (November 11–13).

Time Assets vs. Time Debts: A Different Way of Thinking About Productivity

Time Debts need to be paid. Be careful how you choose them. Time Assets pay you over and over again. Spend more time creating them.

Marryin’ & Buryin’: How Much Should I Pay the Pastor?

I’ll try to answer some questions you might have about the odd strange world of “honorariums” and “love offerings”.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada