Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

Three ways to live on Mission every day

How can the average follower of Jesus live on mission every day?  Consider these three venues as a starting place…

Don’t Use Scripture Like This!

God intends better things for his Word and his people than mere insight into past lives or historical situations. Scripture is a pair of eyeglasses, not a Viewmaster.

The Pastor as Theologian

  1. Pastor-theologians are guided by theological convictions that arise from the Scriptures rather than giftedness, trendiness, pragmatism, or tradition.
  2. Pastor-theologians are intentional in modeling sound doctrine, both publicly and in one-on-one settings.
  3. Pastor-theologians make sure they carve out time to make studying a priority.
  4. Pastor-theologians work hard to form member-theologians.

Prepare Your Public Prayers

If you are in any form of spiritual leadership, work at your public prayers.

Anonymous Youth Pastor’s Letter to a Parent

It seems to me that you see youth ministry as a supplement to your kids’ lives – not something vital.

Would President Obama Bomb the Canaanites?

I am convinced, using only evidence from the Old Testament and the news today, that President Obama would have called for the destruction of Canaan long before God gave his ascent.

What Makes Full Atonement Full

Christus Victor explains why Jesus died, penal substitution explains how his death worked, and the double-sided moral influence and example theories explain what we should do in response.

Why Church Planting Is the Primary Plan of the New Testament

The planting of gospel-centered churches, filled with gospel-centered people who live as grace-leaking, missional monsters as lights in the darkness, inviting the dead to come alive in Jesus Christ and to dwell in the Kingdom of God—that is the hope of your city and mine.

5 Legitimate Fears of a Church Planter

These fears are legitimate…real fears. Don’t be ashamed that you have them. The key is not to live in them, but to live and walk in the faith that God will complete His plans and enable those He calls.

An Open Letter to Church Planting Pastors

We know your job is hard, and we know this is an important calling God has placed on your life. We simply don’t want to be overlooked or left behind in the process.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada