Saturday Links
Links for your weekend reading:
8 Evangelism Lessons from an Unlikely Convert
8 Evangelism Lessons from an interview with Dr. Rosaria Butterfield. a former lesbian and literature professor at Syracuse University, and now a Christian mother married to a pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church.
We can’t assume that our listeners have a Christian worldview, and so we need to recapture the apostolic method of preaching. The first sermons of the apostles do two things: (1) make much of Jesus and His gospel and (2) defend the truths contained in the gospel.
Here are top 10 tips that can help you become clearer.
Christianity, the World’s Most Falsifiable Religion
This belief has been a source of contention with many people, even Christians, in the past. But the more I research, the more I find it to be the case that Christianity is the only viable worldview that is historically defensible.
A Question for Every Elders Meeting
Who needs spiritual help? Who seems to be drifting from active participation in the church?
Nine Steps for a Pastor’s First 90 Days
A new pastor has a great opportunity to begin a ministry positively. Conversely, the first 90 days can also be the eventual downfall of a pastor.
If you want to change the world, and if you want to see God at work in the world, plant change-agent churches.
The Surprising Blessings That Overtake The Generous
Sooner or later, his blessings will overtake us like a tidal wave.
How to Raise Your Kids So They Will Remain in the Faith
- Put Christ first in your life
- Model what a Christian should look like
- Make family a priority
- Teach your children the Bible and about God
- Make sure you are connected to a church
- Regularly attend a church
- Encourage your children to have Godly influences in their lives
- Pray regularly with and for your children
- Serve others with your child/children
- Share your faith with others around your children
10 Ways to Find Your Own Personal Strengths
Our personal strengths are part of what makes us unique as individuals, and part of the value we offer to the world around us.
Why So Many Leadership Programs Ultimately Fail
The critical challenge of leadership is, mostly, the challenge of emotional courage.
29 Ways to Stay Creative (infographic)
A very helpful infographic regarding 29 days to stay creative