Saturday Links

Cultivate Gospel Conversations by Listening

Listen for patterns. Listen for underlying causes. Listen for regrets. Listen as through a stethoscope to identify the particular malady to which the good news of Jesus would bring healing.

Just Keep Sowing, Just Keep Sowing

We have no idea how God is using our labors to draw a person to himself. We usually are not the best judges of the results of our ministry.

Your Church is Closer to Planting than You Probably Think

Whenever we remove much of the hype, quantitative expectations, and North American cultural expressions of church planting, we come to recognize that church planting is not very glamorous. It involves small steps.  It is about making disciples from out of the harvest and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded.  If your people can do this, then by God’s grace, your church can plant churches. . . . many churches.

What to Say to “All-Religions-Are-Basically-the-Same” Dude

One of your fears can be calmed. You don’t have to know all religions to respond to this guy. You just have to know the one absolutely unique gospel.

7 Paradigms of the “New Normal” in Church Leadership

  1. We must do more with less
  2. We have to think outside the walls
  3. Church is an opinion, not a trusted source
  4. People trust their friends…more than the church
  5. Easter is for church people
  6. Regular attendance is semi-regular
  7. Loyalty has dwindled

5 Ways Pastors Spiritually Benefit From Preaching Expository Sermons

The celebration and joy of preaching God’s word will return to you when you remember the blessings that God has in store for preachers who give themselves wholly to the task of expository preaching. What are those blessings? Here is a list of five.

Pulpit Cooking Options

  1. Fast Food Preaching
  2. Home Delivered Fast Food
  3. Home Delivered Fast Food Stolen
  4. Thrown Together Left-Overs
  5. Good Food Disconnected
  6. One Favourite Recipe
  7. Good Ingredients Cooked the Wrong Way
  8. Good Ingredients Cooked the Right Way
  9. The Fast Feast
  10. Non-gourmet home cooked healthy meal

Why Pastors Quit

I would suggest that the reasons below are the greatest struggles to perseverance in the ministry (though you are welcome to add others in the comments). As we consider each, I want to offer a little encouragement to young pastors and aspiring seminarians.

Let’s Be Social: Social Media for New Churches

Our very own Tim Cox recently shared some tips and general strategy on how to thoughtfully approach social media and content creation as a church plant.

3 Lies Porn Tells You

  1. That was the last time.
  2. You can stop anytime you want.
  3. Confessing your struggle will cost you too much.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada