Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

A Process for Sermon Development

I am sometimes asked about the process I go through in putting a sermon together … I don’t have a formula or blueprint for each talk, but here are some observations on how I prepare a message…

Recalibrate: Be Who You Are

We’ve given our people 3 simple questions to shape their gospeled living…

  1. Who will be our Family?
  2. Where and to whom are we called as a Missionaries?
  3. In what ways will we be Jesus’ Servant?

15 Ways To Avoid Burnout When Working In Hard Places

So, how do/should we cope in these difficult times when we are feeling under enormous stress? Here are some pointers…

The Cool Pastor: An Oxymoron or Just a Regular Moron?

Here is the bottom line. The unbelieving world will always do “cool” better than the Church. When the Church adopts coolness and relevance as its corporate values, it slavishly agrees to follow, lagging always one step behind the world.

Four Little Words

So if we were to look at your life, what would we see? Would your biographer be able to write this? ‘And that Sunday, as was his custom, he was in church to hear the reading and expositing of the Scriptures.’

8 Things Really Efficient People Do

  1. Stop Multitasking
  2. Delegate
  3. Use Appropriate Communication
  4. Apply Structure to the Schedule
  5. Give Everything a Proper Place
  6. Time Activities
  7. Commit to Downtime
  8. Plan Projects

How I Learned To-Do Lists Are Overrated

First, my to-do lists were giving me the false impression I was being productive. Second, my to-do list was taking the joy out of the tasks themselves. Third, my to-do lists never made space for rest. Finally, my obsession with to-do lists didn’t allow for changes in direction.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada