Saturday Links
God’s Word to You: A Summary of the Bible in 311 Words
When we began working on The Gospel Project, we decided to create something new that would go along with the curriculum’s focus: the grand narrative of Scripture. In the end, we summarized the Bible in roughly 300 words and finished with a call for people to repent and believe. Here’s how we did it…
Fear and Loathing in Las Vagueness
If we are content to watch the church go its own sweet way with just the occasional lick of devotional paint and the odd sponging-down of how we do things, then we can afford to leave theology alone. But if we want to see a true refreshing, a true renewal, a true Reformation of the church, then a deepening theology of the gospel is the only way forward.
The Five Great Mysteries in the Christian Faith
- Creation out of nothing (ex nihilo)
- Trinity
- Hypostatic Union
- Scripture
- Human Responsibility and Divine Sovereignty
Five Features of Preaching in the Book of Acts
- God-centered
- Audience-conscious
- Christ-focused
- Response-oriented
- Boldness
When We Say “Gospel,” Do We Really Mean “The Spirit?”
Is it possible that we are using “gospel reflection” language as buzz words that reduce the Christian life to continual reflection on a set of propositional truths instead of the dynamic Word that brings us into relationship with Persons – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit?
One of the most common questions I’ve faced from church planters is: where do you set the bar? … These are tough questions, but a simple axiom can help you navigate these decisions.
Things I’ve Learned Along the Way…
For whatever it’s worth, here about 103 things about pastoral ministry I have learned along the way.
If there’s a deal-breaker between you and the church, it’s better for that to come out in the interview stage than after they’ve already hired you. Lay all your cards out on the table, and let the chips fall where they may.
I don’t know if you feel too busy. I don’t know if you ever feel exhausted or out of time. I don’t know if you’re headed to a burnout or in the middle of one right now.
But I think everyone needs their own Central Park. And I’d encourage you to think about the first building you might need to knock down in your own life.