Love Wins

Rob Bell’s controversial new book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived
is out today. As I write this the paper version of the book is already sold out at Amazon, and it ranks #5 in books. I’m reluctantly downloading a copy of the book and hope to read it this week.
I have to admit that this reminds me of the release of Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity
last year. It’s frustrating to see this cycle repeat. It’s even more frustrating to see the critics of the emerging church vindicated in their criticisms. I wish the critics had been wrong.
Here’s a small sample of some resources related to Love Wins:
- Kevin DeYoung has written a comprehensive and helpful review of the book.
- Trevin Wax asks what the furor reveals about evangelicalism.
- Russell Moore describes what’s at stake.
- Tim Schraeder has a summary of the webcast interview of Rob Bell from last night.
- Bill Kinnon asks if the young, restless, and Reformed crowd reaction has only helped book sales.
At some point I may post a review, although it’s to imagine having anything to add beyond what’s already been said.
Speaking of déjà vu, did I mention that Brian McLaren has a new book
coming out this week?
Update: I forgot to include a link to Jeremy Grinnell’s parody Justice Wins (via Mike Wittmer). Richard Mouw offers a surprising defense of Rob Bell.