Sunday at Coral Ridge

Sunday at Coral Ridge

We had the privilege of attending Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, pastored by Tullian Tchividjian, yesterday. To get there we had to get up way too early and drive three hours on a day that we lost an hour due to Daylight Savings Time – but it was more than worth it.

I needed the service. I needed the time of worship. I really needed the sermon. It was deeply convicting and identified some issues I need to address in my life. It ended with Christ and his gospel, which is always where we need to end up. It was a good example of biblical, practical, gospel-centered preaching.

I could have heard the sermon at home, but there’s something different about being there. I discovered the vibe of the place: it’s a church that’s being renewed, and that is deeply encouraging.

It was especially meaningful to be there yesterday, as it was the second anniversary of the merger that created one church out of two. Creating one church out of two has not always been easy – check out this interview with Tullian from September 2009. But two years in, it’s clear that God is at work. The gospel revolution that Tullian blogs about is more than just talk. It’s happening.

I spent some time thanking God for Tullian and Coral Ridge after the service. I’m also praying for protection for the church, as well as Tullian and his family.

It was exciting and encouraging to see firsthand what God is up to in this church. I’m praying we’ll see many more pastors hang in there, and many more churches experiencing the type of renewal that’s happening at Coral Ridge.

Sunday at Coral Ridge
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada