Get to Know Other Pastors

Get to Know Other Pastors

Mike McKinley has some good advice in his excellent book Church Planting is for Wimps:

Can I pause here just to plug the value of friendships with pastors at other churches, especially if you’re flying solo? Few things have been as worthwhile as the time I’ve spent getting to know the other pastors in our area. My goal has been to meet one pastor every month. I email them, tell them who I am, let them know that our church has been praying for them (it’s our practice to pray for other churches every Sunday morning), and ask if I can buy them lunch. They usually pay since they are older and more established, but it seems rude not to offer up front. At lunch, I ask them tons of questions about their ministry, their families, and their knowledge of the community.
For the most part, you would be amazed at how much other pastors know and what good advice they have, even the guys who are (shudder) not theologically Reformed. Not every guy is incredibly discerning, but you can learn from just about anyone. Almost every good ministry idea I’ve ever had has been “borrowed” from another pastor.
So if you’re a church planter or a young pastor, get to know the other pastors in your area. If you’re an older pastor, get to know the new guys in town and help them out a little.
Get to Know Other Pastors
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada