The Spirit Works When We Acknowledge Weaknesses


Jack Miller on a sermon he preached at Redeemer in NYC:

The Father sends the Holy Spirit to do impossible things through us when we freely acknowledge our deep weaknesses. Speaking at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan on the dangers of “A Comparison Righteousness,” I said that we Americans have some crazy ideas about ourselves and God. We (like the Pharisees) have an attitude of self-righteous superiority toward others because we can see the faults and sins in them (the tax-collectors) which we do not see in ourselves.
…Then I flung caution to the winds and confessed that I was naturally one of the Pharisees. I admitted I like the role of self-appointed judge…and that this was crazy stuff because our Holy Maker looks upon our condemnation of others as a deadly hypocrisy. I concluded with a broken-hearted plea for the proud judging person to humble himself or herself and rest their hope of salvation only on the shed blood of Christ.
I was tired; I felt foolish. But a new Christian afterwards told me, “My husband and daughter have been opposed to my faith, and they were here this evening. Amazing! They cried throughout the whole sermon!”
Amazing grace! (p.94)

This sermon by Jack Miller is available for purchase from the Redeemer website.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada