We Begin With Our Own Repentance. Join Us.

Last post from The Heart of a Servant Leader. I promise, Ken!

The first time I read this book – a couple of years ago now – it gave me exactly what I needed. Miller has a way of bringing us back to the centrality of the gospel, and applying it with courage and understanding. He does this in all the letters in this book, but I especially appreciate the ones written to pastors.

I also appreciate that Miller’s story is not one of unbridled success. Miller knew what it was like to not apply the gospel to one’s own life, and it almost destroyed him.

The appendix to the book is a paper – kind of a manifesto – written in 1993 to address the issue of introversion in the church. Miller wrote:

We believe that the Grand Cause of the gospel has been substantially compromised in the past decade. Among evangelicals the gospel has been rightly understood to mean that Christ is for us, but this “Christ for us” has frequently been used as an excuse for self-centered thinking and living. All too often we are left with a wimpy Jesus who is hardly able to meet our needs – much less dislodge the powers of darkness that are deeply entrenched all about us. We have been so busy thinking and worrying about ourselves that we have lost touch with that awesome Lord of the Great Commission.
…Now is the hour for rediscovery. We begin with our own repentance. Join us…We are talking about the Grand Cause, about finding our lives as we lose them for this cause in our generation.

A fitting way to end the book, and a challenge I need to hear.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada