Saturday Links

Chris Brauns reviews Don Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It’s the best review of this book that I’ve read.

Biblical preaching presents God. “Evaluate your next message before you preach it. Where does God fit in the message?  Is He the main character?  Is He the real hero of the story?  Is the message pointing us to respond to Him?” I should like this topic considering the other site I supposedly run.

Dates are set for the 2011 Gospel Coalition Conference.

Symptoms of worldliness in the postmodern world

How the gospel leads to our lives being changed. “Only a remembrance of the gospel will free us from our habitual grief and guilt.”

Letter to a soon-to-be published author (ht: Trevin Wax)

Trevin Wax reviews Tim Keller’s new book Counterfeit Gods. Keller explains why he wrote the book in this video.

Bill Mounce, the New Testament Chair of the ESV, is working on the revision of the NIV. An important line: “I strongly believe in different translation philosophies, that there is not a ‘One Size Fits All.'” This is often forgotten.

The first question to ask about a pastor is not whether he is a good preacher.

Mike Wittmer reflects on a review by the late Stanley Grenz on one of Brian McLaren’s books. Wittmer gets extra points for the last line in his post – although he’d better watch the currency rates carefully the way the dollar is going.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada