Random Sunday updates

Garage Sale

Yesterday’s garage sale at Richview was a phenomenal success. I have to admit being very nervous when I realized the sale would be moved indoors due to weather, but in the end things worked out better. We made about three times what we did last year. So far the total is around $9,800 and climbing. This money is going to be used for water projects in Guatemala through Living Water International, as well as to send some of our youth to help out there or in some other country on a short-term trip.
There are lots of individual stories to tell about the sale, but the highlight for me was seeing the number of people who gave tons of energy and time to making this happen. God answered our prayers; what an amazing day. More pictures here. Thanks to our Junior and Senior High kids and leaders for making this happen.
Crash in Tegucigalpa
Speaking of short-term trips, there was a crash on Friday at the airport in Tegucigalpa that Charlene and I flew into this past January. The airport is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world, and it looks like its days are numbered.
I’ve had a couple of comment strings that I’ve shut down recently. I always have a hard time knowing when to moderate comments. I appreciate discussion and even criticism, but the past couple of times the discussion was heading down a path that wasn’t especially helpful.
If you leave a fake email address, your comment is going to be deleted. If your comment maligns the motives of others, it’s probably not going to make it either.
In general I’d like to see some good dialogue on the issues, but to avoid comments that contribute to “foolish, ignorant controversies” that “breed quarrels” (2 Timothy 2:23). Most comments have been great – even the critical ones – but I’m finding that I don’t have the patience to let comment strings go as far off as I used to let them. I’ll give anyone the benefit of the doubt, but if a comment string really starts to go off track, I’m going to deal with it pretty quickly for everyone’s sake.
Some Blogs You Should Read
My friend Chris Brauns is moving servers today. You can now find him at ChrisBrauns.com. You can also pre-order his book Unpacking Forgiveness. Chris is a great guy, and I think you’d enjoy his blog.
Another blog that I’ve really been enjoying recently is that of Tullian Tchividjian. Tullian is a church planter in Florida, and he is also the grandson of Billy Graham. Tullian’s blog is now on my A list. His book Do I Know God? is excellent. I’m looking forward to reading his upcoming book Unfashionable.