Crazy for Keller

Westminster Books has a funny post about Keller’s new book The Reason for God:

WTS student Art Boulet actually stood outside our doors in freezing rain to be the first customer to get a copy. After making sure he understood that this was not an eighth Harry Potter book, we gladly sold Art four copies. He says one is for his room, one for his car, one to give to his girlfriend…and even one for his bathroom!

Totally ridiculous. It’s just a book. Almost as ridiculous as me finding out last night that Indigo has some copies in stock a few days early and actually dreaming about the book in my sleep last night. Not that it happened. I’m denying everything. I’m just saying.

In any case, I picked up a copy today and I’m loving it. It got me thinking: Keller is an effective apologist not only in the traditional sense. It seems that he has succeeded in showing many who belong to a skeptical Christian generation that the questions that led to the rise of the emerging church can be answered by a robust faith that blends humble, solid orthodoxy with social action and praxis.

In other words, I wonder if Keller has been as much of an apologist within the church as he has outside of it.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada