Happy Canada Day

From Macleans.ca:
Internationally, Canada’s level of contentment is almost off the charts, as measured over the past two decades in the World Values Survey. In 2000, the Canadian edition of the survey clocked in with an astounding 96 per cent feeling of happiness. To put that in a global context, one chart in the survey plots international levels of civil liberties, political rights, happiness and satisfaction on a vertical and horizontal axis. The calculation leaves Canada in the upper right corner of the graph, among a tiny cluster of elites, like Sweden, the U.S. and Australia. To be Canadian is to be born holding the deed to Park Place. “Canada is the envy of the world,” says Byers. “We have the eighth-largest economy on the planet with only about 32 million people, a remarkable situation. We have the second-largest chunk of real estate, with vast natural resources. And add on a functioning universal health care system, which, I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel secure.”
As Greg Lyle, the pollster, put it as he finished plowing through the tens of thousands of numbers that measured for Maclean’s the buoyant national mood on this 140th birthday. “If we weren’t happy,” he said, “who would be?”
I won’t even mention that the poll says that Canadian Evangelicals are the most satisfied (69%) with their sex lives out of any religious group including atheists.
Happy Canada Day!