A bad start to a great camping trip

A bad start to a great camping trip

We’re back from camping, and it was an amazing trip. But it didn’t start out that way.

I should have known we were in trouble when things went so well while packing. For the first time ever, we left on time and were poised for a great day. But then…

A kilometer into our trip, Buddy the dog tried to make a break from his cramped position on the floor in the back. We pulled over on the shoulder of the highway, and within seconds a police cruiser was there to make sure we were okay. I wasn’t sure if we’d be charged with crazy over-packing of a vehicle or some offense, but we got away with little more than a chuckle from the officers.

We made great time to the camp, but then found out that the premium site we had reserved, right on the water, could only take an eight-foot by eight-foot tent. You figure it out. There are four of us, two dogs, and lots of luggage. That wasn’t going to work.

We picked another site. I began to set up just as it started to rain. Buddy was whining. I was starved. We were right under the bridge to the U.S. and the trucks never ended, and they were LOUD. The noise was driving us crazy. The vacation was falling apart before it even began.

You don’t want to see me hungry, wet, and grumpy with a headache when things are falling apart. Trust me on this one.

I called a time out and we went into town, without dogs, and got the vacation back on track with suicide hot chicken wings, ice cold Diet Coke, and a World Cup soccer game. Feeling refreshed, we made one of the most brilliantly stupid decisions in recent memory.

We took a walk-in site.

Ten minutes from car to site, up and down a rocky trail. Ten minutes to carry water, tents, coolers, containers, luggage, and gear.

It was crazy. It was great.

So for the past two weeks, we’ve been ten minutes away from everything except for each other and the water. It was a ton of work, but it was amazing. We were secluded and we got tons of exercise and had all kinds of fun, except for the weekend that the drunk kids moved in – but I’ll save that for later.

Here’s a picture of the start of the path. More pictures here, and a few more stories to come.

(Some pictures are only available if you’re marked as a family or friend with Flickr. Ask me and I’ll be glad to add you.)

It’s good to be back after having a great vacation, even if things didn’t start out all that well.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada