Book Tag
Pernell book tagged me. If you don’t know what a book tag is, it’s the Internet version of a chain letter. I have to answer the question and pass this on to five other friends. If I don’t, Pernell will experience sewage problems or something, so I had better do this.
Number of Books I Own:
Just shy of two thousand and growing – I’m running out of bookshelves
The Last Book I Bought:
The Likeability Factor by Tim Sanders – Sure I need to read it but I was also thinking of giving it to Stephen Harper
The Last Book I Read:
Post-Rapture Radio by Russell Rathburn, a quirky little book with some fantastic insights
Books That Mean a Lot to Me:
These are not the deepest or most scholarly books I have read, but they have all made an impact.
1. Rebuilding Your Broken World by Gordon MacDonald – This book was written by a pastor who had an affair, someone I admired early in my ministry. This book opened came at a formative time in my life and made me a lot more realistic about weakness and a lot more appreciative of grace.
2. Building the Bridge as You Walk on It by Patrick Quinn – On choosing deep change over slow death.
3. Soul Salsa by Len Sweet – This was just a really fun book with some fantastic quotes and a good emphasis on orthopraxy.
4. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – Anne is too vulgar for some but I enjoy reading her thoughts on writing and on life.
5. Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol – A challenging book on poverty and social justice.
6. The Present Future by Reggie McNeal – How to de-convert from churchianity.
7. The Church in Emerging Culture ed. by Len Sweet – I loved the interaction between the contributors. More books should be written in this format.
8. Unfreezing Moves by Bill Easum- Helping a church move beyond growth or even health to join Jesus on the mission field.
9. The Art of Pastoring by David Hansen – The subtitle says it all: “Ministry without all the answers.” Eugene Peterson says, “This is the freshest and most honest book on pastoral work you’re ever likely to come upon.” I agree.
I’d list more but I have to stop sometime
Tag 5 More:
3. Bene Diction
5. Rev. Mike
and because it’s hard to stop