When life resembles a Simpsons episode
It’s May and I don’t know what happened to April. I started off going to visit my Dad for a week and spent the rest of the month sick and generally run down. The shingles are pretty much gone, but last month was a blur. On Sunday, I sat down to watch the latest Simpsons episode, which I do from time to time. It hit a little too close to home. Homer’s roof leaked, letting rain into the house. Sounds like what happened to me last month when a racoon tried to move in our attic.
Homer: Awww. It’s raining outside.
Marge: It’s raining inside!
The roofer goes to the store to buy some supplies. He carries a package down a ladder, saying, “I’m coming down with a case of shingles.” Funny unless you have just come down with a case of shingles. Marge donates the dog to a seniors home. When she takes the dog back after a day, one senior says, “That’s sad. We’ve had that dog as long as I can remember.” Reminds me of some conversations I had with my Dad. A little too close to home. D’oh!