You can’t handle the truth

More thoughts from All Marketers Are Liars: We buy according to story (a script). For instance, we tell ourselves a story when we buy a pair of Puma running shoes for $125 (or Nike or whatever). The story we tell ourselves isn’t the truth. If we told ourselves the truth, we would tell ourselves that we are paying $125 for a pair of shoes that were made for $3 in China. We buy cars based on the story. People pay $80,000 for a Porsche Cayenne, a $44,000 surcharge on what is virtually the same vehicle, the $36,000 VW Touareg, made in the same factory. Same car, different story. We all live according to stories. Many of these stories (scripts) are not true. We are quick to believe false stories. I want to believe that $200 wine tastes better in the proper Riedel glass, and wine experts tell you this is true. The truth is that it tastes just as good in a cheap glass from the dollar store. The story that is most true probably makes the least sense. Our calling is to live true to the most counter-intuitive stories out there – the script in which life is found in death, in which the poor are blessed, the one in which we those who lay down their lives will find it. The difference is alternate scripts – the world’s script or the Kingdom script. It’s all about which story we believe.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada