Learning from a new friend

Last Saturday night, Charlene and I had a chance to meet Don Crawford, executive pastor of Lambrick Park Church in Victoria, B.C. Don was in town for some other stuff. We grabbed some grub at Jack Astors in Bramalea and gabbed for a few hours. Don is a former Fellowship Baptist and used to attend the same church as my brother. Don somehow discovered my blog a few years ago, and I’ve been tracking with his ministry since 2003 by e-mail. I’m not sure Don realized the impact of our conversation. Charlene and I have been doing a lot of thinking since then. It was exciting to sit back and to listen to someone’s journey and to see God at work in the life of somebody else, and to begin to think of what some of that means for us. Two things struck me in particular. I like to plan and to be in control. Don’s story is anything but one about control, and yet he’s ended up (I believe) exactly where God wants him. Don’s story was a reminder that although I fear the times that seem out of control, God still works in those times. Ah the illusion that I am ever in control. Charlene and I also had a conversation about fit. Don’s story is largely about finding his place, where he is now doing (it seems to us) what he was made to do. He’s also in a team environment which seems to be lending itself to making that possible for the whole team. That was exciting. I am past the strangeness of meeting people in face that I only know online. Every time it has been stretching and positive in a good way. Thanks, Don, for contributing to my growth over the weekend.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada