Ron Martoia’s Vortex Download

Vortex Mental Download is just the eclectic injection you need on a monthly basis. This random resource download is meant to help you ask the right questions and even to learn how to ask the right questions about the questions you are asking. How often are you spending time hunting mice when you could be slaying elephants? How much energy do you spend trying to buttress you weakness instead of building on islands of health and strength? What are the hot theological issues you are feeling a bit ill equipped to process all alone? How do you reflect upon these theological issues and make adjustments in your practice as a leader? What emerging trends will impact the context of your organization? These are the questions of leadership. But there are a whole host of issues critical to all people not just leaders. Like the question or personal purpose, or core values, the challenges of growing in emotional intelligence and how that lays a foundation for relationship. What are the key 4 things all kids should leave the home with by the time they are 18 and moving on? What is the process that we go through to see transformation happen in our lives? How are habits formed, bad ones broken and new ones reformed? These issues and tons more are applicable to everyone.

Both editions (personal and leadership) are now available.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada