Under new management, sort of
This post is from the defunct blog “Dying Church”
Happy New Year! Yes, some activity here. New Year's is as good a time as any to put a bit of work into this blog. Rule number one of having a blog is that you should post to it occasionally. I think I might try that. This blog started as part of a personal journey I've been on. It started almost a couple of years ago now as I realized that the call to die to self extends to the church as well. I believed then (and I still do now) that we focus too much sometimes on building the church, when the church does not exist to build itself. I am still working on unpacking what that means, not only in theory but in my life and ministry. I'm taking a couple of new directions. First, I'm not so disillusioned about the church. I think I've been a little too negative about the church at times, and for this I repent. God is at work in our imperfections. There is still the role of the prophet, and there are still warnings to be spoken, but I think I've taken it too far at times. There is much to celebrate about what God is doing in both old and new structures. My patron saint in this journey could be Bonhoeffer. He has written about many of these same issues and was way ahead of his time. I look forward to reading him more this year and understanding his insights on this topic. Look for a few more posts this coming year. A happy and blessed New Year to you as well.