Pure Online
Some sobering statistics on internet pornography:
- 60% of all web-site visits are sexual in nature (MSNBC /Stanford/Duquesne study, Washington Times Jan. 26, 2000).
- According to Christianity Today the percentage of pastors who visited a porn site. 57% Never, 21% A few times a year, 9% Once in past year, 7% More than a year ago, and 6% Couple times a month or more.
- At least 200,000 Internet users are hooked on porn sites, X-rated chat rooms or other sexual materials online (MSNBC/Stanford/Duquesne Study, Associated Press [Online], Feb. 29, 2000).
- 51% of pastors admit that looking at internet pornography is their biggest temptation. (Christianity Today, December 2002)
It’s one of those temptations that is common, and yet there’s often a sense of shame in wanting to get help.
A great new resource is available, and is worth looking into as we head into the New Year. It’s called Pure Online: 30 Days to Purity:
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