Life update
- The book project has re-ignited a desire to write. It’s funny, when I was a kid I always wanted to be a writer. I also wanted to be a pastor but I was afraid that when you spoke publicly, you had less chance to edit than when you put pen to paper. I still live with the fear that one day I will really put my foot in it, but so far I’ve survived every time it’s happened.
- I am off to England with my brother again in just over a week. We are off to look after my father. I am very behind in preparing for the trip; lots to do this coming week to get ready. I have mixed feelings about these trips: dealing with my Dad is hard, and I hate being away from the family. On the plus side, it will be fun to be in England with my brother.
- I am speaking at a men’s breakfast next Saturday at the Canadiana Restaurant at 8 AM. Come for the breakfast, it’s $12 and we should have a lot of fun. If you are in the area come out for your weekly dose of food your wife doesn’t let you eat. Just let me know you’re coming so I can tell the restaurant.
- Years ago I met Jordon online. We’ve since met in person a few times but he’s become a good friend despite living so far away. Jordon’s health continues to be a concern. Looks like he slept well last night but continue to keep Jordon in your prayers.