The dying pastor
This post is from the defunct blog “Dying Church”
From Scott Williams:
I'm tired of being the man. I'm tired of carrying the weight of the church on my shoulders; of feeling like the buck starts and stops with the senior pastor. There is a dysfunctional dichotomy in church circles, a separation by position which has been the cause of much hurt and confusion. I'm done with it. I'm no theologian but as I read the new testament I read about gifting, not positioning, of calling not hierarchy. We are all part of the body of Christ, each serving in different capacities, none subservient, none elevated. As a paid pastor I hold a position of calling, of servanthood, of trust. Does this then entitle me to separate myself from the laity as an authority by position, as over and above? …I would like to propose that as a pastor my primary duty is to equip, facilitate, lead by passion, and seek God's vision. I have a calling, areas of authority, places of responsibility, and a role as spiritual elder. I disagree with many pastors who feel that they need to be out in front in every area; I just want to be a passionate, visionary, part of the team. I am still strong-willed, directive and often immature but no longer feel the need to win at all costs, to pretend I have it all together, or to go it alone. I want community. I want to be real. For so many years I have bought into the myth that I can't really trust people in my church. Did you know that your pastor probably feels that he or she needs their deepest community with people no from your church? Did you know that your pastor is probably lonely and isn't convinced he or she can trust anyone? It's a sickness that has to stop. Something is wrong when the promoter of community isn't in community his/herself.
Amazing post. That last paragraph alone is worth reading multiple times.