I’ve learned that a good way to freak someone out is to tell them that you’re having somebody stay at your house that you met on the Internet. It gets even better when you tell them that you’re also traveling to meet a mysterious blogger whose identity is shrouded in secrecy, at a secure, undisclosed location (right near Dick Cheney). I think we have to drive there blindfolded or something. As I’ve told people this week, I don’t see how this whole thing can possibly go wrong. You read a lot about hospitality in the New Testament. We usually think of it as having someone from the church over. Actually, it was more about having strangers over, and sharing your place with them. All you knew about them was that they were followers of Christ. Then you have the wild concept that some of these strangers just might turn out to be angels… Well, enough of that. It’s just kind of cool to have someone over and to practice the art of hospitality. As I said, how could it possibly go wrong? P.S. If you don’t hear from me by tomorrow, call the police. (I’m joking!)