The learning curve
The family has taught me more than I could ever imagine. I married young – 23 years old – and I thought I had the world by the tail. I look back at pictures now and laugh. Some things you only learn the hard way. Just caught a glimpse of my wife and realized that I couldn’t possibly have loved her this much 14 years ago. When you go through stuff it somehow pulls you together – sometimes. In our case, somehow, it did. Some of it has been a severe mercy, but even that is mercy in the end. Charlene’s aunt died today. We saw her last week. She was in rough shape, coming in and out of consciousness. An old man cursed every few minutes in the loudest voice. Charlene’s aunt broke out in prayers every time she stirred. Talk about contrast. It made me wonder who I would be in the same situation. I help with the funeral Friday. Christina’s been diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Eplipsy. It’s a good diagnosis: she’ll probably get the odd seizure at night, and she’ll outgrow it in a few years. I’m not looking forward to seeing her have a seizure. I’m learning that I can’t protect her from some things, no matter how much I want to. Family is teaching me a lot.