
This post is from the defunct blog “Dying Church”

Sometimes I wonder how this dying church thing will work out in my own life. It's one thing to write about it. On the other hand, I am a pastor. There will naturally be some consequences in my life if I try to kill a church that wants to stay alive. (By killing, I mean helping it die to itself, so it's less concerned with its own agenda and success than in losing its life for Christ, giving itself away, etc.) I'm okay with that. In fact, it might even be exciting. But here's another thought. What about pastoring subversively? I really believe the problem isn't the structure. It's just as easy to make the same mistakes outside of the church, because the real problem is the heart. It's that part of us that refuses to die to itself no matter how many times we try. Maybe within the church it would mean continuing within the same structures, challenging them when appropriate, and taking every opportunity to walk with Christ wherever he happens to be going. If that gets me fired, so be it. But maybe, on the other hand, I'll discover that others are interested in walking along too, and just maybe we'll find that life that's on the other side of death together. A pipe dream? I guess we'll find out.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada