Who Reads Darryl’s blog
Sorry about the double entry. Most of us who blog aren’t technical wizards. :^) I’ve wondered who reads Darryl’s blog? His church members, other bloggers, school mates, family, random others? Probably all of the above. And I wonder how many of you have considered blogging? It is an interesting and rather addictive hobby. It is amazingly interactive. And with all the ways you can blog on different platforms now, it isn’t hard and it isn’t expensive. I started over a year ago with absolutely no skills. Anyone can try. And who ever does, finds out quickly why they are at it. It is quite a growth experience. It is community; people-oriented. And within blogging all the messiness of relationship comes out, and there in lies the challenge. It even affects some of the founders of blogging. People like Dave Winer, who built an amazing blog platform and who has been at this longer than most people. He has helped thousands and thousands of people into this medium. It isn’t the technology that has discouraged him.