The other church
Lots of talk in these parts about another church that’s doing really well. We’ve lost a few people to them, and I think it’s great (they went for the right reasons). It’s one thing to talk about being the type of church that dies to itself, and about escaping from the success trap that’s ensnared modern churches. But when you’re a pastor and you hear of another church that’s doing well, and that many of your people (my people? there’s part of the problem) wish they could be there, you find out that your old nature isn’t quite dead yet. I found myself wishing today that I could be part of the fun, or that we could have some of the fun here as well. That’s why Jesus said we had to take up our crosses daily. Dying once isn’t enough. I’m dying once again today, glad not only that they’re doing so well, but also content that I’m not there and I’m not them. As Jesus said to Peter, “What is that to you?” (John 21:22).