Random Thoughts

A is for Abductive finally arrived today. It wasn’t easy to get. I ordered it way back in June. At one point, Amazon.ca wrote and told me that it wouldn’t be released, and they’d removed it from my order. It’s out, and it’s worth waiting for. It’s nice to see Jordon mentioned in the dedication. I’m savoring this book. You can’t do that with every book. This one won’t be a speed read. I’m even enjoying the footnotes. The Fellowship – I read today that my denomination is moving to require all churches to hold to a complimentarian (read traditional) view of women in ministry, while allowing pastors the freedom to hold an egalitarian position, thus offending everyone. I’m more and more impressed with people who have the humility to allow others to disagree with them, rather than insisting on a consensus that doesn’t exist. Honesty – Thanks to Vern Heidebrecht of Northview Community Church, Abbotsford for sharing honestly about his struggles in the latest issue of Christian Week. Vern’s had some health problems over the past year, and the church has also experienced some hard times. Vern’s observations are refreshingly authentic. He quotes Tozer: “Those whom God wants to use greatly he has to first hurt deeply.” BlogsRachel’s returned from vacation, and Bene Diction has a new domain name. Welcome back to both. Postmodernism – Jonathan Stuart Campbell, as quoted in A is for Abductive:

The postmodern crisis calls for nothing less than a complete repentance (metanoia) – a transformation of the mind and a thorough change of heart. The church must come to the harsh realization that in many ways the church has been influenced more by modernity than by the life of Jesus and the patterns of the early church. Therefore, renewal is not enough. Nothing less than a radical reorientation is needed for the church to break free from modern influences. Just as Gentiles can now receive salvation as Gentiles, so postmoderns have a right to be followers of Jesus, without having to become modernists or to become institutionalized.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada