Growing up
Put two people together – any two – and I guarantee that there will be some sparks from time to time. That’s the nature of relationships. Today was one of those days. Charlene and I are very different, but that’s good most of the time. Then a day like today comes along. It was one of those days in which she couldn’t annoy me more if she tried. Nothing intentional, nothing serious – just little differences that kept on adding up. Near the end, we both had to just sort of agree to ride out the day, because both of us were powerless to do anything different. A few years ago, this would have annoyed us to no end, and led to a pretty big fight. Tonight, we just laughed. Really, most of it wasn’t important, and some of it (well, okay, all of it) was pretty funny. Besides, would I really want to be married to someone just like me? (That was a rhetorical question. Don’t feel you have to answer!)