Church Votes to Expel Non-Purpose Driven Members
From The Holy Observer:
In a groundbreaking move, the elder board at MCC ñ a nondenominational “mega-church” ñ passed a resolution to revoke the membership of any church member who does not, by the end of 2003, read The Purpose Driven Life, the New York Times bestselling book by Rick Warren, the founding pastor of Lake Forest, California’s celebrated Saddleback Community Church and author of The Purpose Driven Church. “Upon encountering this life-changing book, we realized that if members of our church aren’t leading a purpose driven life, they really don’t have much value as believers,” said Senior Pastor Charles Moynihan. “After much prayer and consideration, we simply decided that they can take their purposelessness elsewhere.”
I say it’s about time. I would extend the ban to anyone who hasn’t read The Prayer of Jabez as well. Some other good stories at today’s update of The Holy Observer, including one that threatens the future of the Methodist union. (Does it ever hurt when satirical websites are so close to the real thing.)